If you’re an automotive enthusiast, it is highly likely that you're familiar with what SEMA is. However, for people not aware of it, we are here to give you an overview. SEMA is Specialty Equipment Manufacturing Association which was established 55 years back. An annual trade-only show is conducted by it in Las Vegas with the aim to promote automotive industry by facilitating manufacturers, after market producers and consumers to interact, network, trade, exhibit and attend seminars all under the roof of the grandly spacious Convention Centre at Vegas. The event spans over a week and is international in nature. The manufacturers and suppliers are from all over the world and not just US and with attending this show you also get to enjoy Las Vegas culture, cuisine and casinos.
The Centre is categorized into different sections to help people navigate through it easily. SEMA also has its own app that can be freely downloaded from the app store in your phone to help the visitors move through the different halls, and with the scanning option it also provides all the product and manufacturer’s information within your hand’s palm.

The show has many events, seminars and activities to attend to. We are going to highlight some of the key elements that should not be missed. SEMA Awards presentation is carried out prior to the show’s other events at the front of Central Hall. The awards are given to the top-trending vehicles in different categories. Then there is the New Products Showcase in the Upper South Hall which exhibits innovative after-market parts and accessories, this year two new categories include technologies such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Electric Vehicles (EV). Another relatively famous category is Overland Experience at the West Hall. It features customized trucks and SUVs suitable for overlanding/ off-roading such as with spread-out tents and other camping accessories.

The latest emerging trend in the automotive field is the electrification of vehicles. This time the North Hall is dedicated for this where you can see the emerging electrification technologies in the market and get a glimpse of what the future may hold. It also showcases the products that can turn the old classical vehicles into emission-free using the electric modifications. Other than these, there is SEMA Ignited that is also conducted in the West Hall after the show ends like this year on 4th November. The most exciting part is that it is open for the general public also other than the authorized attendees and lets them get a peek into the world-famous trade-only show of vehicles. It also helps the attendees relax after the busiest days by enjoying a night of great food and entertainment.
All in all, if you are anywhere linked to the auto industry, you just can’t refrain from the eventful and happening SEMA show, by the virtue of which you also get to experience Las Vegas life a little. A win-win for all!