If you are thinking to camp outdoors and are not very clear as to what jeep camping or backpacking refers to, you are sure to learn the difference between the two. In this article, we will guide you about the two to help you decide which one suits you best!

Jeep camping: This is the kind of camping wherein you drive your jeep up to the campsite and set up your tent either on the bed of your jeep or at the backside adjoining the rear end of the vehicle with that of the tent such as jeep gladiator tent offered by LFM:
In both the scenarios, all you need during your camping time is carried by the vehicle and the tent is quite near the jeep.

You can visit a camping ground, some state park or can even drive to woods to enjoy the total wilderness. But you will not have to worry about the heavy weighing camping gear as you don’t have to roam around with the heavy equipment. You do have a level of comfort as that of your home in the sense all you need is within your reach just a small distance away from you in the vehicle. The skill level required for this way of camping is medium and you don’t need to be a professional or seasoned camper for this. It offers more safety as you can pack your things up anytime to head back home in case anything goes unexpected.

Backpacking: The name gives away the meaning itself. In this kind of camping, all you need during your time out is being carried around by yourself on your back such as a tent, sleeping pad, food, etc. You reach the campsite by yourself on foot while carrying all your belongings on your back.
You may camp in the wilderness or at some basecamp, where you can leave your camping gear for a while and explore the surrounding area. You will have to be very careful while packing things for your backpacking trip as too much heavy equipment will not let you enjoy your trip wholly. Also, backpacking requires quite a lot of physical strength hence the skill level required for such a trip is high. If you are unfamiliar with it, it is better to consider taking a guide with you.
The comfort level will be low compared to that of jeep camping as you will not be taking too many things with yourself. Additionally, you need to be very cautious where you set up the camp and should keep an eye out for any kind of dangers that may lurk in the vicinity of your camp.
All in all, it depends on your taste which option you want to go for. However, to better understand living out in nature, you must first go for a car or jeep camping and then plan for backpacking to enjoy a hassle-free time. Happy camping!