1. What you need to prepare is
A T15 torque wrench and a flathead screwdriver.
2. Remove the Grill
① Pop the hood and remove the grill to access the bolts that hold the headlights. Remove the screws and clips holding the front grille in place.
② Use a flat-blade screwdriver to pry open the pull tab on the top of the grill

③ The connectors for our turn signal lights have to be removed as well because they've attached hereto the grill. pull this red tab back and you'll hear a clicking sound that means that you can now push down on the tab here and release it.

3. Install New headlights
① Screws that attach the headlight to the vehicle, remove the headlight, and disconnect the plug.

② Insert the new headlight bracket and reuse the factory hardware to attach to the vehicle connect the plug play headlight adapter into the factory wiring harness and plug the headlight adapter in too badly, now install the headlight into the bracket, place the bezel around the headlight and install the remainder of the hardware.

4. Adjust Jeep Headlights
① Jeep headlights have two adjustment screws, one at the top to adjust the vertical direction and one on the side to adjust the horizontal direction.
② Pull your Jeep as close as possible to the flat surface/garage door and turn your headlights on. Straight across from your headlights, put some painters tape in the shape of a cross on the wall right in the center of where the beam of light hits the brightest. They should be the same distance apart from each other as the headlights in your grill are.
5. Install Grill
Reconnecting your turn signals and install pull tab and Install grill.
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