It’s awesome.
Here are some amazing facts of Harley Davidson:
1. The first Harley Davidson motorcycle actually came from a blue print drawn by William S. Harley in 1901. That blueprint was meant for a bicycle.

2. In 1905, the Milwaukee Wisconsin Harley Davidson factory hired its first full time employee. In that same year, Harley Davidson won its first motorcycle race.
3. Although Janet Davidson is known as the first woman to ride a Harley, there is some speculation as to whether the motor was running or not. Apparently, the Davidson boy’s aunt helped out with the painting and pin striping. Either way, she was the first woman to sit on a Harley even if she and the bike never left the factory.

4. The first Harley Davidson motorcycle actually used a tomato can as the carburetor.
5. When Harley Davidson opened a bigger factory on Juneau Ave., it employed six full time team members. It was at the same time that the, “Silent Gray Fellow,” was launched for its silent engine and the color gray.

6. The legendary V-twin motorcycle showed itself to the world in 1909.

7. Forbes magazine founder, Malcolm Forbes didn’t start riding Harley Davidson’s until he reached the age of 40. He loved them so much that he owned fifty of them and began giving them away as gifts.
8. The CVO Ultra Classic Electra Glide, manufactured in 2013, was the most expensive Harley Davidson every made. Only 4,200 motorcycles were released each with a price tag of $40,000.

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