I’ve done an extensive search for the door sill guards for my Bronco and found these to be the best in terms of the length and the area of the door sill being covered. In addition, these are molded to fit this area and extends to the space just under the top factory sill cover to completely cover any exposed paint surface. This was not a feature found in almost all other sill covers (because they are smaller) since there is still a space of exposed paint between the aftermarket cover and the factory cover (at the top ledge). Furthermore, these are made of the more malleable but thick thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) as opposed to the harder ABS plastic so they mold better to the curve of the door sill to give a factory look. These even have the year 1966 molded on the surface, a nice retro touch. The only downside is that you should install these in warm weather (at least 70 degrees) for the double-sided adhesive strips to stick better, since these strips may not be the best quality, but they will stick fine when placed during warmer weather (or you can always put your own sticky strips on if the strips that come with the guards don’t work well). Finally, these specific guards seem to be found only on LED factory mart, which takes more than a week to be shipped to me. Other than that, I think these are the best ones out there. Do not hesitate to get.